On behalf of the Greater Las Vegas Short Term Rental Association (GLVSTRA), I am thrilled to announce a significant development in our ongoing battle. We have officially filed our case with the Nevada Supreme Court, and let me be absolutely clear, this case goes beyond the realm of short-term rentals.
This case is a resounding declaration against what we perceive as governmental overreach at the local and state level. It's a statement that reverberates across party lines, letting our elected officials know that they cannot trample upon the property rights of Nevada homeowners in order to appease their corporate donors or cater to the interests of the Culinary Union, whose primary concern lies in their own economic gain. But more importantly, this case is a steadfast defense of the constitutional protections that are at the very heart of our great state and nation. It's a reminder that individual rights, enshrined in the Nevada and U.S. Constitutions must be upheld and protected at all costs. We stand here not just as an organization, but as a collective voice for all Nevadans who cherish their rights and liberties. Our fight is not just for short-term rentals (STRs); it's for the fundamental principles that underpin our democracy. Together, we are sending a powerful message that no matter the odds, we will persevere in the name of justice, freedom, and the protection of individual rights. Let us stand united as we embark on this vital journey through the Nevada Supreme Court.
Please continue supporting our fight by donating here. Join our next meeting on September 20, 2023 for more details.
Thank you, Jacqueline Flores, Founder