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Las Vegas, Nevada STR Regulations Ruled Unconstitutional

Updated: Dec 20, 2022

The Eight Judicial District Court in Clark County, Nevada granted the Greater Las Vegas Short-Term Rental Association's and its President Jacqueline Flores' preliminary injunction against Clark County (Las Vegas) and the State of Nevada declaring these short-term rental regulations as unconstitutional.

"After being alienated for so long; the Greater Las Vegas STR Association and its short term rental owner members feel validated, vindicated and elated with todays court’s ruling granting our petition for a preliminary injunction against Clark County's STR regulations and the State of Nevada's short-term rental law.

We would first like to thank Judge Jessica Peterson for giving this case the time and attention it deserved.

Today is a win for short-term rental owners in Nevada! Frankly, today is a win for all Nevadans!  The Court has sent a strong message to our government officials in Clark County, other local municipalities, and to our Nevada legislators and that message is that government officials cannot pass laws or regulations that violate people's rights and freedoms!

For years, seniors, veterans, families, individuals, local small business owners, and our Association have been asking and begging our public officials at the local and State level to do the right thing; instead, Clark County, other municipalities, and the State of Nevada have waged a war against these Nevada private property owners with excessive fines and extreme measures that include up to $10,000-a-day fines and jail time, the installation of government surveillance devices on private property, denying people's right to peacefully assemble, depriving them their right to privacy, subjecting them through unreasonable searches, among other unconstitutional actions.

Renting one's home on a short-term basis gives struggling homeowners an economic vehicle to make ends meet, pay their mortgage, put food on the table, send their kids to college, save for retirement, it helps supplement the income of those living on social security or other fixed income, and in the case of those dealing with a disability, health issues, or the loss of employment, short term renting helps them replace their income.

It is our sincere hope that Clark County, other municipalities, and State Legislators work in good faith with our Association, as the Court directed, to come up with laws and regulations that are fair, just, and most importantly that respect the rights and freedoms of private property owners in Nevada!"

Jacqueline Flores, President and Founder


Unknown member
Dec 19, 2022

This is a amazing thank you for your fight!


Unknown member
Dec 19, 2022

Remember - this is Not the time to Compromise away our Rights in order get the government off our backs.

Houses & Rooms have been Rented out historically WITHOUT having to be Licensed & pay Taxes on every penny collected by Homeowners or Investors.

The Short Term concept invented as a means to economically punish citizens.

No License, No Tax, No caving in.


Unknown member
Dec 19, 2022

Awesome news. Good job! Where does this take us?

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